Memory Glitch

Pixels merge, obfuscate, reveal: I am continuing to create generative animations of the collages I am creating with the photos that my dad and I took in Cuba back in 2007. This project feels like making for the sake of making; following a hunch and a need to create something. I did quite a …

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Flicker Show

It is a start; the flickering of memories: When I initially started learning Processing, it was to find ways to manipulate photographs that exceeded what I could do in Photoshop. I appreciate how working with code enables the computer to have agency in the process of creating a work, performing repetitive tasks with mathematical …

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Law of the Table

It has been some time since I have tracked my practice in a structured way, though as I venture back into a large scale p5js project, it will be necessary to do so in or to keep some order on what inevitably will be a mess. Things are already challenging to track, especally sketches with …

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Kindly Notions I never really managed to do what I intended with this sketch. I have been playing with fade in and fade out using alpha channel and size of shapes, so for this I wanted to create pulsating lights like stars or fireflies that fade in and out at different rhythms. I could not manage …

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Contingent Functions It has been quite a while since I have worked on daily sketches. I have replaced the blog on the website with a static page and removed it from the site’s menu. In some ways I have considered this aspect of the project finished, now that I have moved onto showing the work in …

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Emergent: A Critical Approach to Performance and Biometric Data

In December 2021, I presented on Emergent at the first annual TeLA2021 Conference, hosted by TU Dublin. This presentation involves a combination of personal narrative with philosophical analysis, featuring a number of the sketches I have developed over the past year. The video essay is now published as part of the book Techné Logos and …

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New articles relating to Emergent

I have published a few new pieces based on work I have created over the past year as part of Emergent. The first is an interview with Meabh McNutt in Cois Coribe, NUI Galway’s outreach publication. In this interview, I discuss my artistic practice more generally and how it relates to my scholarship and teaching. …

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Oblivious Network Just a simple geometric sketch — contrasting colours of cyan and deep red, a randomly rotating cluster of cones to create a digital ruby. I am continuing to develop Ferocious Patience as a presentation of movement data, but in the meantime I continue to have a urge and need to sketch. The Oxford English …

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Indeterminate System For this sketch, I returned to a generative play with images that I have used in previous works (Milk Drunk), where a series of still images are animated in a random order to create a never ending looping animation that does not repeat. I pulled one image per second from a video I shot …

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Sedentary Productivity I am continuing to work with FitBit data, focusing on how to convey inactivity. For this sketch I just incorporate the sedentary minutes and the step data, though also including a live video stream from the Webcam (it seems this does not work in the embedded version, only the full page version at the …

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